Did you know that in order to keep your NHS dental registration at our practice you need to attend regularly?
Many of our patients forget to make regular visits to see their dentist. And then, before they realise, it’s been nearly two years!
Due to the high number of people wishing to receive NHS dental treatment and the very long waiting lists, unfortunately we have no choice but to automatically de-register patients who have not attended for two years or more.
In our practice, we try to remind our patients when they are due for their dental examinations via text message and email. However, we often find that many of our communications get returned as patients do not update their details with us.
What to do to keep your registration?
Always attend any appointment booked or cancel the appointment more than 48 hours in advance.
Make sure you book your next dental examination before you leave the practice. Whether it’s three, six, nine or even twelve months in advance, our reception teams will help you make your next appointment and send you reminders nearer the time as well.
Check list for staying on the NHS dental register:
- attend all your appointments or cancel well in advance.
- always book your next appointment before you leave the surgery.
- keep your contact details up to date.
- make sure you visit your dentist regularly (and don’t leave it for longer than two years!).
For more information, or if you are concerned you may lose your NHS dental registration, please contact us on 0117 951 30 26 or email info@horfielddentalcare.co.uk